Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sportsman Expo

Today, my husband decided he wanted to go to the sportsman expo in puyallup with our friends. I didn't feel like lugging the stroller around so I went with my trust moby wrap and I was constantly being asked what it was called, and what a great thing it was! We were there for about a good 4 1/2 hours walking around and boy, am I tired! It's like wearing a 10 lb weight vest after awhile. Well while we were at the expo my husband mentioned to me he thought his cousin Angie's husband Grant would be there because his family makes boats. I told him I didn't think he made boats that fit into this sportmans/hunting category, well soon enough I spotted a huge display for the boat company Grant's family owns. We spotted Grant and walked over, he greeted us then quickly realized who we were and told us Angie was actually on her way over in 30 minutes if we wanted to walk around and come back. Now, my husband hasn't seen his cousin Angie since 2008 when their grandmother passed away, and Angie and Preston were raised with each other. Long story short, Angie's mother isn't the greatest person, but Angie has turned out to be a beautiful, loving, religious person and is my husbands closet cousin. Well we walked around and bought jerky, had lunch and during lunch I fed Leilani a bottle. When we were done I went to the bathroom to change her and head over to Grant's families display booth. While I was in the bathroom changing Leilani, I ran into Angie and we began talking. We all went over to the booth and Leilani was able to meet Angie's baby Avey (sounds like Abby), Avey is 8 months and so cute! I was soo happy to see Angie, and have her meet Leilani the last time I saw her was at my baby shower in October ( my husband was on deployment). 
 The expo was interesting, haha, very tiring but I'm glad my husband had fun and I got in quite the workout! Here's a picture of Me, Leilani (7 weeks), Angie and Avey( 8 1/2 months). 

Babies don't really cooperate with photos 

Random Photos

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Moby Wrap

Before I talk about the Moby wrap, I just want to say that today while on  tummy time Leilani was picking her head up and everything! Like way off the ground and looking from side to side. It also looked like she was trying to roll over, she had her whole right side off the ground. I am so excited and so proud to see her hit her first few milestones. She's talking (baby talk) and smiling and making faces back at me when I talk to her! I am one happy momma!

Okay, now the Moby Wrap whoever created this thing is AWESOME. Leilani is very attached to me and likes to sleep upright (weird I think, but I blame it on her being breech!) The moby wrap is the one of the only ways really I can get anything done and keep her from crying. She loves it! I have cleaned, gotten ready (did my makeup & hair) and even worked out with her in the moby, all while she sleeps! I got it from a friend at my baby shower and I'm so glad I did! It's different from a baby bjorn cause shes actually skin to skin. I feel like more connected to her and more comfortable with the moby than those baby carriers! So to all you mommies! Get yourself the Moby Wrap! 

Little Miss Momma Giveaway!

I'm participating in the Little Miss Momma giveway! She's giving away a beautiful necklace from Starfish Designs  and I really want the Stella necklace! I've done all the thing needed in the contest entries so here's to crossing my fingers that I win!
Little Miss Mommas

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dad back from Africa

So I'm going to stop with the food diaries for awhile, and just blog about my progress because it's starting to look/ get repetitive and I think it's a little annoying. What's happened in the past few days? Well my father came home from Africa, he was working there as a DoD civilian, and came back to the states for some health reasons. I haven't seen my father since my baby shower in October, so I was super happy to see him. It was a special occasion since my father has never met his granddaughter, so Leilani, Preston and I all met him at the airport. We were waiting in baggage claim when my dad arrived, and it was so touching to watch my dad hold his grand-baby for the first time. He got all teary eyed and just looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the whole world. The cutest thing was that Leilani just looked at him in awe, it was so cute to just watch her stare at him with her big eyes. After we picked dad up, we met up with his girlfriend Kimberly (Mama Kim) and headed to 13 Coins Diner where we had dinner and Dad and Mama Kim spent time with Leilani. It was a special day for me, to watch my dad enjoy being a grandfather especially since we've come so far in our lives and relationship.
Outside the Diner w/Grandpa & Inside with Mama Kim & Grandpa


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting back to Pre-Mommy Weight

I am now ready to get back to my pre-mommy size! It's been 6 weeks since my little one was born and now I'm more than ready to get back a little bit of me. I have NOT gotten on a scale in 6 weeks, ( I will..eventually) but as of right now I need to go buy a scale first. I am going to attempt to start Weight Watcher's tomorrow, well my version of it and add a workout routine to it. I got a weight watchers pocket guide and I'm trying to get recipes and meal plan for the next week so I don't blow this and have it become one of those diets you try and fail 2 weeks in. I really want to loose the c-section pouch I've developed and get back into a bikini body right in time! Lucky for me I only gained 27 lbs during my pregnancy, but I honestly don't know how much of that I've lost cause of the holidays and my snacking I feel like I haven't lost that much weight at all. But I'm staying positive and getting this done! So off to make a grocery list and get this ball rolling! Wish me Luck!