Our Birth Story

My pregnancy was the best, I only gained 27 lbs throughout my whole entire pregnancy. I took my prenatal vitamins, worked out 3 times a week and ate normal ( i didn't eat for 2). I was textbook pregnancy according to the doctors, and my little one was due to arrive December 3rd 2010. 
me @ 35 weeks (and our dog kawi)

My due date came and went and still no little girl. I was 2 cm dialated and not really progressing, and the OB's just scheduled me to be induced a week later on Friday, December 10th at 6 am. Thursday Dec. 9th came and I began to feel contractions, I let my contractions get stronger throughout the day, knowing that Labor and Delivery would send me home if they weren't close enough. I sat on my birthing ball at home and waited, at 10 o'clock at night I went to bed to get some sleep cause I knew either way she was going to be coming on Friday. Then at 2 am I felt like I had to pee, I got up went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and a bunch of fluid came out. I said "okay, I'm going to lay down for a couple minutes if this happens again it's totally your water breaking and we need to go!" So I layed down, fell asleep and woke up an hour later, went to bathroom and it happened again! I remembered what the OB said and I checked it and it had some meconium, so I told my husband "hunny get up we gotta go now! get the bags and put them in the car" He did what I said of course, and we went around the corner to the hospital. I went in told them what happened they were checking me to see if I was going to be admitted, everything was going picture perfect. I was admitted, walked over to my room and waited till they came in with the ultrasound machine. The ob came in, started my ultrasound and all of a sudden got real quiet, I noticed and asked "what? what's wrong??" He said to me "well, hold on a minute let me go get the head ob on shift." I said " umm okay?!" They came in and were looking at the screen and the ob that was doing the ultrasound asked "am I seeing this right?" Their like yup! Uh honey your baby's breeched. I said "excuse me? umm my ob told me she was head down for like i dunno 10 weeks now!" They said "yeah, see this there's no organs down here and there needs to be, oh yup she this her heads up in your ribs. I began to bawl my eyes out, I said my whooolllleee pregnancy I do NOT want a c-section!They gave me a minute then the guy ob who had checked me a few days ago walks in and says "Oh I thought her butt was her head, well we could try to flip her and gave me this look like you know that won't work, or we could do the c-section. I had no other option, guess were doing the c-section and I was being rolled into the c-section room within no time. 

Leilani Marie was born at 6:39 am on Friday December 10,2010

Our family