Our Story

We met in high school, two young independent kids brought along as wingman for our two best friends  Little did we know our relationship would grow and we would be inseparable. You followed me to college in hawaii, and I followed you home, you stuck with me thru some rough personal times and I stuck with you thru yours. We beat bootcamp together and really understood what we were made of and began our next chapter.
As man and wife our wedding may have been a quick one and just us, but every vow said was purely from the heart. This part of the journey started off without a hitch and we continued to be as always just us. We were growing as people and began to live our adult life alone when you decided it was time to make 2 become 3. It may have taken us a couple months, tears and many times practicing, but the end result has been the best part of us. 
As we continue our journey the love will always be here in the Murphy home

Our journey Continues...