Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hello All! I know it's been awhile since I last logged in but this mommy has been quite busy preparing for a WHOLE bunch of stuff! 
What have I been up to?
1.)  I'm an Independent Distributor for It Works! I'm totally excited cause it's getting rid of my c-section pooch and my tummy is finally going back to what it used to look like.
(if your interest my site is My It Works Page!)

2.) I am going to be doing a JBLM Expo on the 27th!!! So I need to get my butt in gear and get my display set up and my products ordered. I have been practicing and seeing what my display would look like at the expo! 

3.) It's just me and the little one again since daddy was sent to Oak Harbor for some extra schooling and he'll be up there for 5 weeks! But we will be heading up there to visit him for a couple of days tomorrow! So, I am in the process of getting everything set up and prepared for our 3 hour trip. I realized babies have TONS of stuff to bring between her food, utensils, pack n play, stroller, and clothes..geezz.. Good thing we have a huge SUV!

4.) I am currently looking into couponing..I am trying to understand how it works and how I can get the best bang for my buck! So, I have started following a couple pages on facebook such as Freebies2DealsSmart Couponing and a couple others. They actually have quite a bit of info, so if your like me and wanting to begin/ try it out or if you are a couponer and know some better sites to go to, the more info the better!

5.) Spending time with my little girl 
So, it may seem like a little bit but being alone with an 8 month old and trying to get things done is quite trying at times! But overall I am blessed and thankful for everything!

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